Welcome to Adventure Boat Camp!

If you are interested in registering for camp, complete your registration here.

If you are fully registered already, please fill out the forms below and email them to info@adventureboatclub.us at least one week before camp begins.

  • What To Bring To Adventure Boat Camp

    Adventures on the water are exciting, full of choices, beautiful sights, and wild stories that can be retold for a lifetime. However, if your child has inappropriate gear for the environment and climate, all those wild and exciting stories turn into tales of woe and discomfort.

    In order to create the best possible experience for your child, we ask that you provide these items for camp:

    ✦ Dry bag or backpack (large enough to pack all personal items)

    ✦ Closed toe water shoes (Keens)

    ✦ Water-proof sunscreen

    ✦ Sun hat

    ✦ Bathing suit

    ✦ Towel

    ✦ Full water bottle

    ✦ Lunch

    ✦ Fleece sweater/jacket

    ✦ Rain Jacket

    ✦ Comfortable Lifejacket

    Please note, we do not allow cell phones at Adventure Boat Camp.

    For overnight, campers should also bring a sleeping bag, toothbrush/toothpaste, bug spray, flashlight, pajamas, and an extra lunch for the following day.

    Adventure Boat Camp will provide a tent, dinner (hot dogs), s’mores, and breakfast.

    Adventure Boat Camp will provide all safety gear, like emergency lifejackets.

    If you need help finding the appropriate gear, please let us know. We will also have extra items in case you or your child forget something, but please know that we have limited extra supplies.